Civil Society and Protests
May 9, 2024

“Enemy of the Nation” Posters of Activists in the Streets of Tbilisi

In Tbilisi, protesters face escalating violence and acts of intimidation, reportedly used by the ruling party to hinder demonstrations against the law on “foreign influence”.

Despite facing adversity, the resilient protesters in Tbilisi persist in their peaceful demonstrations against the “Russian law,” even in the phase of government intervention with tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets, and water cannons. In response, the ruling party has resorted to employing new, unsettling tactics to intimidate and hinder the efforts of activists.

Since May 2nd, following the blockade of Heroes Square, a key junction in the capital, there has been a troubling escalation in violence against protesters. Individuals purportedly belonging to special forces, disguised as civilians, known as “Titushki,” have engaged in physical assaults on demonstrators. This surge in aggression has taken on a particularly brutal and alarming dimension, causing grave concern among activists and observers alike. 

On the morning of May 9th, the streets of Tbilisi are adorned with posters plastered on the walls of buildings housing the offices of civil society organizations (CSOs). These posters brand activists as “Enemy of the Nation.” “The protectors of the Nazis” or “Vindicators of Nazis”  – referring to the main opposition party, National Movement. Other accusations include labeling them as “Destroyers of the country” and “Destroying motherland through grants.” 

The posters circulated throughout the city share a common theme despite their diversity. Beneath the images of activists, they are labeled as belonging to the group of “Agentura” (“agency”) or “Foreign country Agentura.”  Additionally, they are branded as “The sellers of Motherland”,  suggesting betrayal of national interests. Furthermore, the entrance of the CSO advocating for the rights of the LGBT+ community is targeted with a poster bearing the abhorrent label “Nests of Pederasts (a demeaning and disrespectful term used to refer to homosexuals).”